.0006 as a percent is .06%
0.006 = 6/1000 = 3/500
6 X 100.
.006, just move decimal two places to the left
That would be written as... 14,006 or 14 006
0.01% of 006 = 006*0.01/100 = 0.0006
.0006 as a percent is .06%
It is: 464240.06
It is 6*10^-3.
0.006 = 6/1000 = 3/500
6 X 100.
.006, just move decimal two places to the left
006 (ignore the noughts)
That would be written as... 14,006 or 14 006
0.00006 or .006%
.006 is smaller.