A good starting point in converting a decimal to a fraction is to multiply it by a power of ten such that there are no numbers left after the decimal place. In this case, we can multiply by 100 to give 104. Then put this 100 as the denominator and our starting point is 104/100. The next step is to identify any common divisors. In this case, both 104 and 100 can divide by 4 so we can simplify it to 26/25.
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104/330 = 52/165
10.4 = 104/10 = 52/5
76 out of 104 in simplest form = 19/26
The fraction 104/126 can be simplified to 4/6, or further reduced to 2/3.
104/330 = 52/165
As an improper fraction 1.04 = 26/25 in its simplest form
104 is already expressed as a whole number
10.4 = 104/10 = 52/5
76 out of 104 in simplest form = 19/26
The fraction 104/126 can be simplified to 4/6, or further reduced to 2/3.
Simplest form
72/104 in simplest form is 9 /13
-4.16 in fraction form = -104/25
what is 10.475 as a fraction in simplest form
As an improper fraction in its simplest form it is 77/5