105% = 1.05 in decimal
one hundred and five
It is: 5.5*105
245.6k written in standard form is: 2.456 × 105
105% = 1.05 in decimal
4.1 × 105 written in regular notation is 410,000
1.38 × 105 written in standard notation is 138,000
105 - 1, 3, 5, 21, 35, 105 You can not have a GCF of just one number. The factors of 105 are written and have nothing to be compared to to find the GCF.
1.05 = 105%
The exponential notation for 833,000 is 8.33 × 105
A. P. Zlobin has written: '105% pravdy'
one hundred and five
It is: 9.22*105