easy 123%= 123/100=1.23
Just one. In combinatorials, 123 is the same as 312 and so on.
It is: 82/123 times 100 = 66.67% rounded to two decimal places
Simply move the decimal to the left two places: 123 = 1.23%
decimal [ 123 ] = binary [ | | | | 0 | | ]
easy 123%= 123/100=1.23
No such value as '123%' in maths. 100% is totality. However to convert 123% to a decimal. Remember the percent sign (%) means 'over one hundred'. Hence 123/100 = 1.23 as a decimal. NB when you read such figures as '200%' , it is totally incorrect, as menetioned above 100% is totality. The author of suchg as statement should say it has 'doubled', increased twice(two times)', or multiplied by '2'.
Just one. In combinatorials, 123 is the same as 312 and so on.
It is: 82/123 times 100 = 66.67% rounded to two decimal places
Simply move the decimal to the left two places: 123 = 1.23%
123 / 300 = 0.41Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.41 * 100 = 41%
6.15 is the decimal form 123/20 is the fraction form