93.33'% = 14/15
A percent is a fraction that always has 100 as the denominator (bottom number). So 14% is 14/100 or 0.14.
No, they are not.
Percents are used to calculate tax on EVERY store purchase,and to calculate discounts on every "special" or "bargain".If you can't calculate percents, you can't catch mistakes or avoid being cheated.
No but percentages are ratios.
93.33'% = 14/15
2/14=1/7 1/7= .1429 ~14%
82% catholic 14% christian 4% other
13 / 14 = ~0.93 Carry the decimal two points to the right. 13/14 = ~93% ~ = approximately
A percent is a fraction that always has 100 as the denominator (bottom number). So 14% is 14/100 or 0.14.
No one invented percents.
20 percents
percents are numbers over 100
They are all the same, fractions can be turned into percents and percents can be turned into fractions. hope that helps :)
Percents are 100 times larger (and that is by definition!).