15 is a whole number.
The whole number that you can multiply by to get 15 is 15.
The square root of 15 is not a whole number.
1.5 is a fraction and there is no way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 1.
15 is a whole number.
Yes, 15 is a whole number.
The whole number that you can multiply by to get 15 is 15.
15% = 0.15
15 is a whole number.
The square root of 15 is not a whole number.
YES. 15 squared which is 225 is a whole number.
14.7 will become 15.00 or simply 15 as a whole number.
It is 15 rounded to the nearest whole number
15/8 is a fraction. The nearest whole number is 2.
1.5 is a fraction and there is no way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 1.
15 is the nearest whole number