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Q: What is 1.6625 to the hundredths or cent if necessary?
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What is 0.9953 to the nearest cent?

0.9953 to the nearest cent (hundredths) is 1.00

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1.2435 to the nearest cent (hundredths) is 1.24

How would you round 39.045 to the nearest cent?

A cent will be on the hundredths place so 39.045 rounded to the hundredths is 39.05. If it is money it will be $39.05 dollars

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0.136 to the nearest cent (hundredths place) is 0.14

What is 9.50 multiplied by 1750?

9.50 * 1750 = 16625

Hundredths of a dollar?


How would you round 3880.77 to the nearest cent?

It is already rounded to the nearest cent, that being the hundredths digit 7

What is another way of saying one hundredths of a dollar?

One Cent.

Which cent word means one hundredths of a year?

It is: 1 per cent of a year because 1/100 = 1%

What is the nearest cent for 27.06?

The nearest cent would be $27.06. When they say the nearest cent, it means if you had 27.0638431, then you would round it to the hundredths place, making it $27.06.

How do you write 20'000.00 in words instead of numbers?

Twenty thousand, to the nearest hundredths. The part in italics is necessary to distinguish 20,000.00 from 20,000.Twenty thousand, to the nearest hundredths. The part in italics is necessary to distinguish 20,000.00 from 20,000.Twenty thousand, to the nearest hundredths. The part in italics is necessary to distinguish 20,000.00 from 20,000.Twenty thousand, to the nearest hundredths. The part in italics is necessary to distinguish 20,000.00 from 20,000.

What is thirty two hundredths?

0.32 moron or 32 per cent (32%)