Two of them are terminating decimals and recurring decimals
You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.
terminating decimals repeating decimals
russia 17million km canada 9.984 million
around 17million killometres worth of seeweed are on earth
Rounded to two decimal places, 2104071930/1707000 = 1232.61.
percentage = 0.8529%% rate:= 14500/17000000 * 100%= (145/170)%= 0.8529%
Ghana by 17million estimated Ireland is currently in dept due to to much money given to disables
there were 17million tanks and 572million shots fired.
terminating decimals and repeating decimals
Two of them are terminating decimals and recurring decimals