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Q: What is 1000 less than 8000?
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What is the numeral 1000 less than 8000?


What is the numeral of 1000 less than 8000?


What is the answer of 1000 less than 8000?

well less than is subtraction so 8000-1000=7000. if it helps try droping the zeros in things like this so it would be 8-1=7

How many times is 8000 than 8?

8000 is 1000 times greater than 8 because 1000*8 = 8000

What is 1000 more than 8000?


Is 8000 greater than 8100 or less than?

less than

What is 1000 x 8000?

1000 x 8000 = 8,000,000

Are 800 grams less than 8 kilograms in mass?

Yes, 800 grams is equal to 0.8 kilograms. This means that 800 grams is actually less than 8 kilograms by a considerable amount.

How is 8171496MB in memory is this less then 1GB or 8GB?

Well, 1000 MB = 1 GB, 8000 MB = 8 GB (more than both) You have 8 million MB, which is equivelant to: 8000 GB or 8 TB for short.

50 tens less than 8000 is?


What is the biggest number that rounds to 8000 to the nearest thousand?

When rounding to the nearest thousand, half round up and half round down.Half of 1000 is 500 → numbers that are 8000 ± 500, that is 7500 to 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.However, numbers half way by convention round up and 8500 is half way between 8000 & 9000 and so would round up to 9000.Thus numbers greater than or equal to 7500 and less than 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.Therefore the largest whole number that will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000 is 8499.

How many meters are in 8000 milimeters?

There are 8 meters in 8000 millimeters. This is because there are 1000 millimeters in a meter, so you would divide 8000 by 1000 to get the answer.