500 / 5 = 100
4.5 divided by 100 is 0.045
Hundred 100 : 25 = 4
0.050.05 . If you type 5 divided by 100 into a calculator then u will find the decimal.
it is four divided by five eights
500 / 5 = 100
4.5 divided by 100 is 0.045
Hundred 100 : 25 = 4
Make the whole two into 2 and set it aside and take 65 and put it over 100 (65/100) then divide it by five each. so 100 divided by five is 20 and 65 divided by five is 13. So Viola! your answer is 2 13/20!
35 divided by 100 is .35 you have to move the decimal place 2 spots to the left because there are 2 zeros in 100.
8 divided by 5 x 100 = 1.6 x 100 = 160%
olfive eights = 62.5% because 100 divided by 8 multipled by five is 62.5% three fifths = 60% so 100 divided by 5 multiplied by 3 = 60 so yes, five eights is larger by 2.5%
Five divided by 9,421 is 0.0005307292219519,421 divided by five is 1,884.2
20/1 divided by 1/5 is 100/1 and 100/3 so ya idk
First take 5 divided by 8 and then muliply that answer by 100. You will get 62.5%
0.050.05 . If you type 5 divided by 100 into a calculator then u will find the decimal.