

What is 100 miles from earth?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is 100 miles from earth?
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How many planets are less than 100 million miles from earth?

Three planets come within 100 million miles of Earth: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. However, these planets will be more than 100 million miles away depending on where they are in their orbits relative to Earth.

LEO satellites orbit the Earth with an altitude as low as miles?

A low Earth orbit (LEO) is an orbit around Earth as low as 100 miles and up to 1,240 miles close to the Earth's poles.

What is theTravel time from earth to our sun traveling at 100 miles per hour?

About 106 years at 100 miles per hour.

What is the distance from the planet earth to outer space?

About 100 miles.

Why does earth's atmosphere only extend out less than 100 miles?

Earth's atmosphere extends much farther than 100 miles; it extends thousands of miles into space. However, the densest parts of the atmosphere, where most of the air is concentrated, only reach up to about 62 miles (100 kilometers) above the Earth's surface. Beyond this point, the atmosphere thins out significantly.

How high off Earth's surface does space begin?

100 miles

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About 100 miles

What is the number of miles the atmosphere extends from the earth?

The atmosphere extends about 62 miles (100 kilometers) from the Earth's surface. This region is known as the exosphere and marks the outer limit of Earth's atmosphere.

Is the sun and earth are about the same size?

No way. The Earth is about 8,000 miles across and the sun is 865,000 miles across, over 100 times wider!

What is the thickness of Earth's atmosphere within 20 miles?

The thickness of Earth's atmosphere within 20 miles is approximately 11 miles. This region is known as the troposphere, where most weather phenomena occur and where the majority of Earth's atmospheric mass is concentrated. Beyond the troposphere lies the stratosphere.

How long would it take to get from Earth to Jupiter when traveling at 100 miles per hour?

416 years 4.8 months at 100 miles per hour.

What is 100 miles above earth?

100 miles above Earth is considered to be within the realm of low Earth orbit (LEO). Satellites and spacecraft, including the International Space Station, operate in this region. At this altitude, they can observe Earth and conduct various scientific research and communication tasks.