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Q: What is 100 percent amplitude modulation?
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What is depth of modulation?

In amplitude modulation, modulation depth refers to the ratio of the unmodulated carrier amplitude to the amplitude deviation for which the modulated carrier wave reaches its minimum value. If this minimum value is zero, the modulation depth is 100%.For amplitude modulation,modulation depth = (a-b)/(a+b),wherea is the unmodulated carrier amplitude, andb is the minimum amplitude deviation.The modulation depth ratio is also referred to as the modulation index.

What is modulated depth?

In amplitude modulation, modulation depth refers to the ratio of the unmodulated carrier amplitude to the amplitude deviation for which the modulated carrier wave reaches its minimum value. If this minimum value is zero, the modulation depth is 100%.For amplitude modulation,modulation depth = (a-b)/(a+b),wherea is the unmodulated carrier amplitude, andb is the minimum amplitude deviation.The modulation depth ratio is also referred to as the modulation index.

What does AM and FM stand for in radios?

AM - Amplitude Modulation FM - Frequency Modulation

How does quadrature amplitude modulation works?

QAM is a combination of phase modulation & amplitude modulation.

What do you mean 50 percent modulation index?

A(m)/A(c)=0.5 is known as 50% modulation index. where, A(m)=amplitude of message signal A(c)=amplitude of carrier signal

Multiple choice question answer of AM modulation?

amplitude modulation is where we modulate our signal with a carrier signal amplitude changes but frequency remains constant in amplitude modulation

What are the advantages frequency modulation amplitude modulation?

Frequency modulation have some advantages over amplitude modulation, FM is not sensitive to the amplitude noise, and have high efficient use of transmitted power

Amplitude modulation and frequency modulation range in India?

Normal frequency range for amplitude modulation is 550kHz to 1610kHz

Why is percentage modulation less than 100 percent in amplitude modulation?

The operator and transmitter engineer control the modulation level. It can be adjusted so that audio peaks produce 100% modulation, or less than 100%, or more than 100%. More than 100% produces audio distortion in the receiver, and it also 'splatters' across a wider part of the AM dial then it should. It sounds terrible on the radio, and it potentially interferes with other stations.

What is the range of modulation index in am?

The range of modulation index in amplitude modulation (AM) is typically between 0 and 1. A modulation index of 0 indicates no modulation, while a modulation index of 1 represents full modulation where the carrier signal amplitude varies from zero to peak value.

What is the highest modulation coefficient and percent modulation possible with a conventional AM system without causing excessive distortion?

the highest modulation coefficient is one (1) and percent modulation is 100

What is amplitude modulation?

Amplitude modulation is a method of sending information by modifying the intensity of a carrier wave.