To simplify the fraction 102/387, we can first find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, which is 3. Dividing both numbers by 3 gives us 34/129. This fraction cannot be simplified further as 34 and 129 do not share any other common factors besides 1.
774% 387/50 = 7.74 7.74 X 100% = 774%
101 over 102 is already in simplest form f
102 over 170 in lowest terms is 51 over 85
102/387 = 34/129
Any multiple of 13158.
It cannot be simplified any further, so it stays at 387 over 500.
The fraction 98/387 cannot be reduced any more.
774% 387/50 = 7.74 7.74 X 100% = 774%
yes. 17x6= 102. 12x6= 72 17 over 12 x 6 over 6 = 102 over 72
30 102
27% of 387= 27% * 387= 0.27 * 387= 104.49
85 over 102 in lowest terms = 5/6
102 over 50 as a mixed number is: 21/25
101 over 102 is already in simplest form f