80% of 1440 is 1152.
192% of 600 is 1152
1152 = MCLII
1152/4 = 460.8
1152 / 2 is equal to 576.
1152 = MCLII
1152 / 8 = 144
1152 * .62 = 712
27 x 32 = 1152
1152 ÷ 24 = 48
1152/5760 = 1/5
There are infinitely many possible answers:Let X be any number between 0 and sqrt(1152).Let Y = 1152/XThen X < sqrt(1152) implies Y > 1152/sqrt(1152) = sqrt(1152).That is Y > X so that X and Y are different and that means each X-Y pair is distinct.Also X*Y = X*1152/X = 1152.X can be rational or irrational and since there are infinitely many possible values for X, there are infinitely many possible answers to the question.