The answer is LIII, DXXX is the roman numeral for 530, 10% of 530 is 53 the roman numeral for 53 is LIII.
D = 500, XXX = 10+10+10. Therefore DXXX = 530
It is: DXXX = 530
530 = DXXX
10 percent is a 10th of something, so 10 percent of $10 is $1.
D = 500, XXX = 10+10+10. Therefore DXXX = 530
DXXX was created in 1979.
It is: DXXX = 530
DXXX-FM was created in 1985.
DXXX-TV was created on 1960-06-19.
530 = DXXX
by licking your dxxx axx hole
530 written in roman numeral is DXXX
10% + 10% = 20%
10 percent is a 10th of something, so 10 percent of $10 is $1.
the rivves and stores. also the clothes