71 is what percent of 142:= 71 / 142= 0.5Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.5 * 100 = 50%
85% of 142 = 0.85 * 142 = 120.7
10 percent off 139.99 is 14.
53% of 142 = 53% * 142 = 0.53 * 142 = 75.26
142 (710 * .20 = 142)
67% of 142 is roughly 95.15
10 percent off is 10% discount from the price of something. 10% is 0.10 in decimal.
It is: 142+10 = 152
you sir need to start basic math again. 0.142
10 percent of 46.15 is 4.615
23 pounds to 10 percent off is equivalent to 20.7.
50 percent of 284 is 142.