1 metre = 100 centimetres. You now have all the information required to work out, for yourself, the answer to this and similar questions.
A decimeter (dm) is 10cm, or 1/10th of a meter, so 3.8 meters is 38dm.
0.1m = 10cm = 100mm = approx 4 inches where 1 inch = 25.4mm.
Objects that are approximately 10cm in length include a standard-sized pencil, a small paperback book, a smartphone, or a small handheld ruler. These objects are commonly used for measurement and comparison due to their easily recognizable size. A 10cm object is equivalent to 0.1 meters or 100 millimeters in length.
90 square meters
6 meters x 1cm/100m x 1mm/10cm
1 meter = 100 sm 10sm =0.10m
10cm or 0.05meters
10cm=1dm 480cm=48dm 10dm=1m 48dm=4.8m So your answer is 4.8 meters
A decimeter (dm) is 10cm, or 1/10th of a meter, so 3.8 meters is 38dm.
27 cubic meters
It is shorter, a decimeter is 10cm and a meter is 100cm