1 kilometre = 100000 centimetres. You now have all the information required to work out, for yourself, the answer to this and similar questions.
1 million centimeters is 10km
1 km is about .621 miles, so 10km is about 6.21
10km per our is 6.2 miles per hour. like fast walking or slow jogging.pretty simple
1 million centimeters is 10km
10km = 10km 11km - 1km = 10km 1000m = 10km 10km/h * 1h = 10km
10km = 1,000,000cm, so 10km is the biggest.
10km is about 10,936 yards.
if a map show the straight line distance between two cities as 3 and one half centimeters and the map scale show that 1 centimeter equals 100 kilometers what would the actual distance be ?
1,000m = 1km Therefore 10,000m = 10km
yes ,1km=100000cm 10km=1000000cm
1 km is about .621 miles, so 10km is about 6.21
You are approximately 5 kilometers away from the south pole?