

What is 10x50?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What is 10x50?
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I have a 10x50 chassis, in so. calif. Gary,951-678-4114

What is the worth of 10x50 binoculars make spindler hoyer gottingen?

The worth of 10x50 binoculars from Spindler & Hoyer, Gottingen can vary widely depending on the condition, age, and other factors. Typically, vintage Spindler & Hoyer binoculars are considered high quality and can hold significant value to collectors and enthusiasts. It is recommended to consult with a specialized dealer or appraiser for an accurate valuation.

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Okay, let's do some simple math. 10x50= what? It equals 500, ergo the alligator weighs 500 pounds.

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The distributive property breaks down the equation to make it more simple to do. It is often used for mental math. An example is (12x56). (10x50=500)+(2x6=12) then, (500+12=512).

How much do Olympus binoculars cost?

The following are some prices for Olympus binoculars; $100.00 for Olympus Trooper 10x50 DPS I, $95.00 for Olympus Trooper 7x95 DPS I, $122.00 for Olympus Roamer 10x21 DPC I, and $299.00 for Olympus WP I.

Where did Galileo find Jupiter's moons?

Jupiter's moons, as see from Earth, are close to Jupiter, which is now (Feb 2015) very bright and high in the sky in the northern hemisphere from about 21.00 to 03.00. The moons Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto can be seen clearly with a 3" refractor and a magnification of about 40, but they can just about be detected, not very clearly, with 10x50 binoculars.

What is the difference with the moon view between a telescope and binoculars?

Advantage of binoculars: A stereoscopic view - more realistic. Disadvantage of binoculars: Limited power - 10X50 is about tops for comfortable, steady viewing. Advantage of telescope: If mounted, much more steady view. Higher magnifications possible. Disadvantage of telescope: "Flat" look to image (compared to binoculars), smaller field of view.

What power telescope is needed to see Jupiter's moons?

You don't need a telescope to see Jupiter; it's right there in the evening sky. It's the fourth-brightest thing in the sky, after the Sun, Moon and Venus. Right now, it's brighter than any star.Even a fairly small telescope will show you the 4 Galilean moons, and give you a hint of the colored bands around the planet.

How much do binoculars cost?

The following are some prices for Olympus binoculars; $100.00 for Olympus Trooper 10x50 DPS I, $95.00 for Olympus Trooper 7x95 DPS I, $122.00 for Olympus Roamer 10x21 DPC I, and $299.00 for Olympus WP I.

Can dogs and humans take the same cephalexin 500 mg green capsule?

Yes way to much. where are you getting this medication at ? Dosage is 10 milligrams per pound of body weight. if dog weighs 50 lbs.... 10x50 = 500 mg. so you would give the dog 500 mg once every 12 hours for a total of 1,000 mg daily If the dog weighed 25 lbs. 10x25 = 250. so you would give the dog 250 mg every 12 hours for a total of 500 mg. if you have a very tiny dog say 12-15 lbs. you'd have to open the capsule and pour some of the medication out to get a correct dosage. so if someone is giving their dog 3,000 mg a day the dog would have to weigh 150 lbs so yeah way to much. 3,000 mg is what a human being usually takes. you could end up killing your dog giving him/her that much medication. always give antibiotics with food. unless doctor instructs other wise. because antibiotics can be rough on the stomach and food helps as a natural buffing agent