9.187 to the nearest hundredths = 9.19
106 to the nearest hundredths = 106.00
12.367 to the nearest hundredths is 12.37
1.598 to the nearest hundredths = 1.60
341.276 to the nearest hundredths = 341.28
Oh, dude, 1125 to the nearest tens is 1130. You know, because you just gotta look at that last digit, which is 5, and if it's 5 or more, you round up. It's like math, but with a sprinkle of laziness.
49.992 to the nearest hundredths is 49.99
It is already rounded to the nearest hundredths.
78.5 to the nearest hundredths is 78.50
141.3 to the nearest hundredths is 141.30
176.435 to the nearest hundredths is 176.44
3.256 to the nearest hundredths is 3.26
2978 to the nearest hundredths is 2,978.00
0.623 to the nearest hundredths = 0.62
It then is 14.56 to the nearest hundredths
4.897 to the nearest hundredths = 4.90