just do the math 700 - 227 use a calculator
227% = 227/100
The absolute value of 227 is 227.
It is simply: 227/1 as an improper fraction
just do the math 700 - 227 use a calculator
I'm not familair with a rilfe known as a 227, but in general, no one caliber is "better" than another caliber- they are useful for different things.
The factors of 227 are: 1 227
Technically Greeece has more than 3000 islands. however they are many -many more. It is said that the Grek coats line is longest than either the US's coasline or just the west coast's. That's a lot.
1 times 227 is 227
227% = 227/100
The absolute value of 227 is 227.
1 x 227, 227 x 1
It is simply: 227/1 as an improper fraction
Canada is 227 th from the most populated country But it is primarily urban as more than 50% of the population is a townie (Lives in an urban centre)