115 = CXV
lxii The above is 62 in Latin numerals. 62 in Greek numerals is ξβ' or (in capital form) ΞΒ'
In roman numerals it would be MMXII
NO such numerals. However, if you mean ROMAN Numerals then 2004 = MMIV
115 = CXV
Greek numerals are a system of representing numbers using the letters of the Greek alphabet. They are also known as Milesian numerals, Alexandrian numerals, or alphabetic numerals. In modern Greece, they are still in use for ordinal numbers.
lxii The above is 62 in Latin numerals. 62 in Greek numerals is ξβ' or (in capital form) ΞΒ'
Why did society need numerals
In roman numerals it would be MMXII
NO such numerals. However, if you mean ROMAN Numerals then 2004 = MMIV
greek mythology
1946 = MCMXLVI
Tradition, and also because Roman numerals are more recognisable than ancient Greek numerals.
up your bum