47 over 11 as a decimal = 4.2727...47/11:= 47 ÷ 11= 4.2727... in decimal
11 over 16 in decimal form = 0.6875 11/16: = 11 ÷ 16 = 0.6875 in decimal
16 over 11 converted to a decimal = 1.454...16/11:= 16 ÷ 11= 1.454... in decimal
decimal form of 12 over 18 = 0.6667
I am guessing you mean 2/11. It is almost impossible to do bars on this site. The decimal form of 2/11 is 0.181818..., which can be expressed as 0.18 with a bar over the 18.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 18/11 is equal to 1.63 recurring (that is, 1.63636..) or 1 7/11
11 over 36 into a decimal = 0.3055...11/36:= 11 ÷ 36= 0.3055... in decimal
47 over 11 as a decimal = 4.2727...47/11:= 47 ÷ 11= 4.2727... in decimal
11 over 16 in decimal form = 0.6875 11/16: = 11 ÷ 16 = 0.6875 in decimal
16 over 11 converted to a decimal = 1.454...16/11:= 16 ÷ 11= 1.454... in decimal
decimal form of 12 over 18 = 0.6667
I am guessing you mean 2/11. It is almost impossible to do bars on this site. The decimal form of 2/11 is 0.181818..., which can be expressed as 0.18 with a bar over the 18.
3 and 11 over 40 as a decimal is 3.275
18 over 36 (18/36) simplifies to 1/2, which is 0.5 in decimal.
The decimal for 11/3 is 3.666666666666666666666667.
Expressed as a decimal, 9/18 is equal to 0.5.