"11 percent" of 20 is multiplication by 0.11 (11/100)
20 x 0.11 = 2.20 or 2.2
11/20 = 55 percent
11/20 = 55%
11 percent of 22 is 2.42
2.220% of 11= 20% * 11= 0.20 * 11= 2.2
11/20 = 0.55 or 55%
11/0.2 = 55 Therefore, 11 is 20 percent of 55.
11 is 55% of 20
11/20 = 0.55 = 55%
11/20 = 55 percent
11 / 20 as a percentage = 100*11/20 = 55%
11/20 = 55%
% rate = 11/20 * 100% = 55%
11 percent of 22 is 2.42
It is: 55%
2.220% of 11= 20% * 11= 0.20 * 11= 2.2
55%= 11/20 * 100%= 0.55 * 100%= 55%
11/20 = 0.55 or 55%