It is 12.5 mm. A fractional representation does not imply a change in the measurement units. If this is required then you need to specify the units into which the quantity is to be converted.
125 millimetres = 0.125 metres.
Yes. Good work!
answer is 14.3 Kg.
Change the mm into cm and 1000 cubic cm = 1 litre There are: (pi*12.5*12.5*56)/1000 = 27.5 litres rounded up to 1 decimal place
They are both the same because 125mm = 12.5cm
12.5cm = 125mm
125 millimetres = 0.125 metres.
@ 125mm
Approximately 140mm by 125mm.
125mm = 459⁄64 inches.
Yes. Good work!
4.9 inches or 125mm.