123456 + 97879887 = 98003343.
123,456+975,939 = 1,099,395
1+12+123+1234+12345+123456+1234567+12345678+123456789+12345678910+1234567891011+123456789101112 =124703839845238 All the operations are addition so all the addition can happen in one step.
123456 - 7890 = 115,566
123456 x 17=2'098'752
123456 x 7 = 864192
The answer is 3580245. Simply add the numbers together arithmetically as you would for the problem two plus two. To check your work, a calculator is the best option.
Yes - 123456/2 = 61728
123456 * 32 = 3,950,592