1.230 X 10^3
It is: 9.65*10^14 in scientific notation
The scientific notation of 405.1 is 4.051 x 102.
1230 deg C = 1230+273.15 = 1503.15 K
7.0 × 106
1.230 X 10^3
1,230 to the nearest hundreds is 1,200.
It is: 9.65*10^14 in scientific notation
1230, 2460, 3690, 4920, 6150, 7380 +1230 . . .
The scientific notation of 405.1 is 4.051 x 102.
1230 deg C = 1230+273.15 = 1503.15 K
7.0 × 106
5.226 × 103
It is: 1.18*104
Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.
1230/5 = 246