To convert, multiply by 1.8 then add 32.
125°C x 1.8 = 225
225 + 32 = 257°F.
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> main() { float A,a,b,c,s; printf("entr the value of a,b and c"); scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&c); A=sqrt(s*s-a*s-b*s-c) printf("area of the triangle %f\n"A); getch(); }
1320 btu`s
Wavelength lambda and frequency f are connected by the speed c of the medium. c can be air = 343 m/s at 20 degrees celsius or water at 0 dgrees = 1450 m/s. c can be light waves or electromagnetic waves = 299 792 458 m/s. The formulas are: c = lambda x f f = c / lambda lambda = c / f
it`s 28.4 Fahrenheit
12 = 4 tops + 4 downs + 4 aroundSF6, Sulfur hexafluorine: it is an S-centered octaedralform with 6 F at the 6 corners
C. S. F. Crofton was born in 1873.
C. S. F. Crofton died in 1909.
F. S. C. Northrop was born in 1893.
F. S. C. Northrop died in 1992.
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> main() { float A,a,b,c,s; printf("entr the value of a,b and c"); scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&c); A=sqrt(s*s-a*s-b*s-c) printf("area of the triangle %f\n"A); getch(); }
No, Sorry
Dim f,s as String Dim i,v,c as Integer s=Text1.Text For i=1 To Len(s) f=Mid(s,i,1) IF f='A' or f='E' or f='I' or f='O' or f='U' v=v+1 ELSE c=c+1 END IF NEXT Lebe2.Caption="vowels"=&v Lebel2.Caption="consonant"=&c
1320 btu`s
The full form for "F N A S" degree is Fellowship in Non-Invasive Cardiology and Angiography.
A. F. C. Hillstead has written: 'The blackbird' -- subject(s): Blackbirds
Least to most polar: C-Cl in CCl4 < C-S in CS2 < C-O in OCl2 < S-F in SF6.
F. S. C. Northrop has written: 'The logic of the sciences and the humanities' 'Philosophical anthropology and practical politics'