129 is divisible by: 1 3 43 129.
129 is divisible by 1 3 43 and 129.
No. All multiples of 6 are even and 129 is odd so it cannot be divisible by 6.
No, it isn't divisible by either
You can tell a number is divisible by 3 when the sum of its digits is equal to 3 or a multiple of three. In this instance, 1 + 2 + 9 = 12/3 = 4, therefore 129 is divisible by 3.
129 is divisible by: 1 3 43 129.
129 is divisible by 1 3 43 and 129.
Yes. 129/43=3
No. 1,000 is not evenly divisible by 129.
Yes - 129/3 = 43
No. All multiples of 6 are even and 129 is odd so it cannot be divisible by 6.
No, it isn't divisible by either
No, not evenly.
129 is divisible by 3. 1+2+9=12 and 12 is divisible by 3. That is the rule of divisibility by 3.