12 as a percentage of 30 is 40%.
30 is 12% of 250.
12 per 30 = ? You make the number on the right 100: 30x3.3=100 You do the same to the number on the left: 3.3x12= 40 12 per 30 = 40 per 100 We call that 40%.
30/250 = 0,12= 12%
12/40 = 30%
12/30 = 2/5 = 0.40 = 40%
% rate = 40%=12/30 * 100%= 0.40 * 100%= 40%
12 / 40 as percentage = (12 * 100) 40 = 30 %
12.0 : 30.0 = 40.0%