832 ÷ 67 = 12 with remainder 28 OR 12.41791 times.
It goes in about 5.58 times or 5 times with a remainder of 7.
5, remainder 7
-12 + 67 = 55
832 ÷ 67 = 12 with remainder 28 OR 12.41791 times.
67 x 12 = 804
12 goes into 67 five times with a remainder of 7.
It goes in about 5.58 times or 5 times with a remainder of 7.
5, remainder 7
-12 + 67 = 55
67 x 12 = 804
27 times 67 is 1,809.
67 inches. (12 inches per foot times 5 = 60 +7 is 67) -J