To round a number to the nearest thousand you first need to consider only digits at place value thousand and greater. In this case, that would be 13,000. The next step is to consider the hundreds digit. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we round up. Otherwise, we leave the number as it is. In this case, the hundreds digit is 2, so we don't need to round up. Thus, 13212 rounded to the nearest thousand is 13,000.
13,000 and 10,000 respectively
It is 18,000 rounded to nearest thousand
Rounded to the nearest thousand it is 45000It is 45,000 rounded to the nearest thousand
Rounded to the nearest ten, it stays the same. Rounded to the nearest hundred, it is 318700 Rounded to the nearest thousand, it is 319000 Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, it is 320000 Rounded to the nearest hundred thousand, it is 300000.
13,000 and 10,000 respectively
63795 rounded to the nearest thousand is 64,000
It is 18,000 rounded to nearest thousand
Rounded to the nearest thousand it is 45000It is 45,000 rounded to the nearest thousand
Rounded to the nearest ten, it stays the same. Rounded to the nearest hundred, it is 318700 Rounded to the nearest thousand, it is 319000 Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, it is 320000 Rounded to the nearest hundred thousand, it is 300000.
It would be 10000. Rounded to the nearest thousand is 11000.
36,184 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 40,000.