decimal equivalent for -132 = -132.0
.132 You just move the decimal two places to the left.
132% = 1.32
132 percent = 1.32
132 / 200 ..... dvide both by 4 = 33 / 50
132 is a decimal number
decimal equivalent for -132 = -132.0
.132 You just move the decimal two places to the left.
132% = 1.32
132% = 1.32
132 percent = 1.32
132 / 200 ..... dvide both by 4 = 33 / 50
80/132 = 0.6060 repeating
You divide percent values by 100 (or move the decimal two places to the left) to get the decimal equivalent: 132 / 100 = 1.32
66% D