-1.333 as a fraction is -1 1/3 or (if you want the mixed fraction) -4/3
The fraction form of 0.1333 is 1333/10000.
0.2666 = 2666/10000 = 1333/5000
-1.333 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is -1333/1000 which cannot be simplified.
There are 11 years between 1333 and 1323. To calculate the difference, subtract the later year (1323) from the earlier year (1333): 1333 - 1323 = 10. However, this calculation does not include both the start and end years, so we add 1 to account for both years. Therefore, there are 11 years in total between 1333 and 1323.
0.2666 = 1333/5000
The fraction form of 0.1333 is 1333/10000.
0.2666 = 2666/10000 = 1333/5000
-1.333 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is -1333/1000 which cannot be simplified.
0.2666 as a fraction it is 2666/10000 or 1333/5000 in its simplest form
Technically, no. A rational number can be defined as a fraction, and that is 1333/1000. However, 1.333....., as you might mean, is an irrational number because there are infinite decimals, so it cannot be written as a fraction.
1333 ÷ 3 = 444 yards 1 foot
There are 11 years between 1333 and 1323. To calculate the difference, subtract the later year (1323) from the earlier year (1333): 1333 - 1323 = 10. However, this calculation does not include both the start and end years, so we add 1 to account for both years. Therefore, there are 11 years in total between 1333 and 1323.
From 1333 to 1323 BC was the time in which he ruled.
1.333 kilometers in 1333 meters. The prefix "kilo" means "thousand".
Hitler had nothing to do with 1333. It was well before his lifetime.