The conversion rate from centimetres to feet is 0.0328084.
(multiply the cm by 0.0328084 to get your feet)
137 x 0.0328084 = 4.495 feet
4 feet with 0.495 left over
0.495 x 12 = 5.94 inches
Therefore, the actual conversion shows that 137 cm is about 4 feet 6 inches.
---- However, this is the way that I would approximate it quickly so that I wouldn't have to remember the exact conversion rate.
There are about 30 cm in one foot,
(I am using the approximation from a standard 30cm long ruler which is approximately 12 inches)
Therefore 137cm/30cm will give you the measurement in feet
137/30 = 4.567 feet
Therefore in 137 cm there are 4 feet, and 0.567 of a foot.
there are 12 inches in a foot, so 0.567 x 12 will give us the measurement in inches.
0.567 x 12 = 6.8 inches
From this, you can say that 137cm is about 4 foot 7 inches.
It is not as precise to answer it such, but if you don't need to be as accurate, then it is fine to do so.
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 137 inches is equal to 137/12 = 11.416 recurring (that is, 11.416666..) feet or 11 feet 5 inches.
There are 30.48 centimetres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 137 centimetres is equal to 137/30.48 = 4.49 feet.
1 inch = 2.54 centimetres, so from centimetres to inches divide by 2.54. 137 / 2.54 53.937 Now for feet, divide by 12. 53.937 / 12 4.49475' is your answer.
4 feet and 6 inches is 137.16 centimeters.
167.5 centimeters = 5 feet 5.944 inches
The answer is 53.94 inches (approx.). Inches and centimeters are both units of linear measurement. Inches are used in the imperial system whereas centimeters are used in the metric system. To convert from cm to inches, multiply the cm unit by 0.393701.
11.4167 feet in 137 inches.
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 137 inches is equal to 137/12 = 11.416 recurring (that is, 11.416666..) feet or 11 feet 5 inches.
There are 30.48 centimetres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 137 centimetres is equal to 137/30.48 = 4.49 feet.
1 inch = 2.54 centimetres, so from centimetres to inches divide by 2.54. 137 / 2.54 53.937 Now for feet, divide by 12. 53.937 / 12 4.49475' is your answer.
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 137 inches is equal to 137/12 = 11 remainder 5 or 11 feet 5 inches.
137 cms.
138 centimeters is 4 feet and 6.33 inches.
4 feet and 6 inches is 137.16 centimeters.
146 centimeters is 4 feet and 9.5 inches.
167.5 centimeters = 5 feet 5.944 inches
196 centimeters= 6 feet 5 inches