Well, isn't that just a happy little number! 13 and 7 tenths can be written as 13.7 in decimal form. It's like turning a beautiful painting into a simple sketch, bringing out the essence of the number. Just remember, there are many ways to express numbers, and each one is unique and special in its own way.
7 tenths as a decimal is 0.7
7 and 2 tenths as a decimal = 7.2
13 tenths = 1.3
To write 7 and 3 tenths as a decimal, you simply place the digit "3" in the tenths place after the decimal point. Therefore, 7 and 3 tenths written as a decimal is 7.3.
2 tenths is 0.2 and 13 hundredths is 0.13 in decimal form.
2 and 7 tenths as a decimal would be 2.7.
7/10 is 0.7 as a decimal
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 7 and 8 tenths is equal to 7.8.
0.7 is 7/10 in decimal form.