145 in Roman numerals is written as CXLV. 'C' represents 100, 'XL' represents 40, and 'V' represents 5.
The number is written as 1,007,021.
The number 1.5 million can be written in Roman numerals as [MD] or as MD with a horizontal bar placed above it (which I can't write with this keyboard).
CXXXXV is not a correctly written Roman numeral. The individual numerals within it are real numerals but according to the rules of writing Roman numerals 'no numeral can be written more than three times in succession.' So, XXXX is not allowed. The numerals you have written add up to 145 and the correct Roman numeral for this is CXLV
1.08 million written in numerals is 108,000,000
145 in Roman numerals is written as CXLV. 'C' represents 100, 'XL' represents 40, and 'V' represents 5.
19.6 million written in numerals is 19,600,000
4.3 million written in numerals is 4,300,000
The number is written as 1,007,021.
The number 1.5 million can be written in Roman numerals as [MD] or as MD with a horizontal bar placed above it (which I can't write with this keyboard).
CXXXXV is not a correctly written Roman numeral. The individual numerals within it are real numerals but according to the rules of writing Roman numerals 'no numeral can be written more than three times in succession.' So, XXXX is not allowed. The numerals you have written add up to 145 and the correct Roman numeral for this is CXLV
There are two ways to written 2 million in Roman numerals; either as MM with a horizontal bar above it or as [MM]
It is: (M) which represents 1000*1000 = 1,000,000.
145 can be made using the following Roman numerals; V = 5, X = 10, L = 50 and C = 100. 40 is written as XL (10 less than 50), so 145 becomes CXLV.
292 million in numerals is 292,000,000