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Q: What is 140 decibels equivelent to?
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How many decibels does a sonic grenade emit?

130 decibels -140 decibels close up maybe louder though

How many decibels is a jumbo jet?

On takeoff, anywhere from 140 - 150 dB.

Is 8.9 decibals high?

yes it is... its almost high enough to make you deaf.........LOL! 8.9 decibels is very, very quiet. It is quieter than a whisper. 70 decibels is loud. 140 decibels is painfully loud.

What is the loudest sound we can hear?

The loudest sound that humans can hear before experiencing pain is usually around 120 decibels, such as a rock concert or a thunderclap. However, sounds over 140 decibels can cause permanent hearing damage.

What are two types of sound and their approximate decibel levels?

A normal conversation is about 70 decibels (dB). A gun firing off is about 140 dB.

How many decibels is are fireworks?

140 dB A normal conversation is about 60 dB (Just to let you know how loud fireworks are)

What decibel range can a human hear in?

A human can typically hear sounds in the range of 0 to 140 decibels. However, the threshold of pain for most people is around 120-130 decibels.

A noise level of 65 decibels is measured for?

A noise level of 65 decibels is considered moderately loud, comparable to the sound of a normal conversation or background music in a restaurant. Continued exposure to noise at this level can lead to hearing damage over time. It is important to protect your hearing by using ear protection in environments with sustained noise levels at or above 85 decibels.

Why is the abbreviation for decibels dB?


How many decibles are waves?

Wave intensity is typically measured in decibels (dB). The decibel scale is logarithmic, so the exact value of the decibels for waves would depend on the intensity of the wave. Generally, normal conversations are around 60 dB, while a jet engine may be around 140 dB.

Does voltage current or power affect volume in a speaker?

Power (Watts)/ Decibels (if the speaker is efficient) 2 Watts = 93 decibels 4 Watts = 96 decibels 8 Watts = 99 decibels 16 Watts = 102 decibels 32 Watts = 105 decibels 64 Watts = 108 decibels 128 Watts = 111 decibels 256 Watts = 114 decibels 512 Watts= 117 decibels 1024 Watts = 120 decibels Some Volumes to Compare 10 decibels = normal human breathing 60 decibels = normal human conversation 110 decibels = power saw, car horn, shouting in ear, 120 decibels = jet aircraft close by, emergency vehicle siren, rock concert

What do decibels change in?

do decibels change to wavelength