14/39 X 3/4
Multiplication of fractions.
First step , simplify the numbers are far as possible by cancelling down (reducing).
Cancel down by '3'
14/13 X 1/4
Cancel down by '2'
7/13 X 1/2
Separately, multiply the numerators together, and separately the denominatos.
7/13 x 1/2 = 7/26 The answer!!!!!
3 times, with a remainder of 14.
You memorize the multiplication facts that 6 times 6 is 36. This tells you that six goes into 39 6 times with 3 left over since 39-36 = 3.
7 divided by 13 times 2 divided by 3 is 14/39
y*49/39 = 7/13 => y = 3/7
3 times, with a remainder of 14.
(39 + t)/3 = 14 Therefore, t = (3 x 14) - 39 t = 3
You memorize the multiplication facts that 6 times 6 is 36. This tells you that six goes into 39 6 times with 3 left over since 39-36 = 3.
7 divided by 13 times 2 divided by 3 is 14/39
y*49/39 = 7/13 => y = 3/7
over means divide and of means times. 3 over 4 of 3 over 14 becomes (3/4)*(3/14) then multiply the top and bottom (3*3)/(4*14) 9/56 .16
5/14 * 21/35 = 5/14 * 3/5 = 1/14 * 3/1 = 3/14
39/7 - 11/14 = 30/7 - 15/14 = 60/14 - 15/14 = 45/14 = 33/14.