A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 1524, exactly as in the question.
Three-eighths in decimal form = 0.375
It is already expressed as a decimal in the form of 1.562
The decimal form of 7/8 is 0.875
75.25 is already in decimal form: no conversion is required.
365% = 3.65
Three-eighths in decimal form = 0.375
It is already expressed as a decimal in the form of 1.562
5.8 is already in decimal form!
The decimal form of 7/8 is 0.875
75.25 is already in decimal form: no conversion is required.
0.25 foot
365% = 3.65
2.25 in decimal form would be (2.25)/100 = 0.0225
5/8 = 0.625
75% means 75/100 that is 0.75 in decimal form
0.285714 repeating
12/25 = 0.480