Divide percentages by 100 to get the decimal equivalent. So, 155 / 100 = 1.55
15.5/100 = .155
155/100 = 31/20
155 as a decimal is 155.0.
155/100 = 31/20 which cannot be simplified further.
Divide percentages by 100 to get the decimal equivalent. So, 155 / 100 = 1.55
15.5/100 = .155
155/100 = 31/20
155 as a decimal is 155.0.
155/100 = 31/20 which cannot be simplified further.
32 over 100 in decimal = 0.3232/100:= 32 ÷ 100= 0.32 in decimal
Expressed as a percentage, rounded to two decimal places, 155/171 x 100 = 90.64 percent.
You put it over 100 - (15.5/100), or in this case 155/1000 to get rid of the decimal point and then you simplify. You can start by dividing the numerator and denominator by 5.
1 over 100 as a decimal is 0.01
4 over 100 in decimal is 0.04. we take 4/100 = 0.04 in decimal
54 over 100 or (54/100) in decimal = 0.54
Its 26 over a 100* * * * * Yes, but 26 over a 100 is NOT in decimal form. The decimal is 0.26