There are 2 syllables in crowded:crow/ded
There are 3 syllables. De-man-ded.
The word provided has three syllables. The syllables in the word are pro-vi-ded.
There are 5 syllables in single-handedly:sin/gle/-hand/ed/lysin/gle/-han/ded/ly
3. sur-roun-ded.
yh u are so ded
there is no vacancy in marashatar for ded candidadtes ...
Ded Gjo Luli died on 1915-09-24.
i think ded cet is no more.
ded cet will be on 12 july 2012
ded cet will be on 12 july 2012
You said ded,its dead heheheheehehehehe wow
Pls told date of ded couselling haryana. mk7653@gmail.com