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Q: What is 15 degree Leg extension?
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The seated leg extension isolates the?

The seated leg extension isolates the...

Leg extension exercises focus on which muscle region of the body?

Leg extension exercises focus on quadriceps.

What is the hoist leg extension weight chart for determining the appropriate weight for leg extension exercises?

The hoist leg extension weight chart helps determine the right weight for leg extension exercises based on your strength level. It provides a range of weights to choose from to ensure a safe and effective workout.

What is it called if the lower leg is straightened away from the upper leg?


How do you treat a chipped elbow?

Depending on the severity, a possible limited extension ranging from 15 to 90 degree bend.

Why does rectus femoris become active in leg extension?

The rectus femoris becomes active in a leg extension because one of the actions of the rectus femoris is hip extension, as well as knee extension. The rectus femoris crosses both the hip and knee on the anterior side of the body. When the leg is extended it is one of the primary movers, whether it be straight leg extension, in which case it is the rectus femoris, illium and psoas muscles. In knee extension the rectus femoris works in conjunction with the other 3 quadriceps. However, in the case of a seated leg extension the rectus femois is less active, due to it already being shortened for the hip extension.

Is there a leg extension for an exertec weight bench?


What muscle group does the leg extension exercise primarily target?

The leg extension exercise primarily targets the quadriceps muscle group in the front of the thigh.

What are the weight increments available on the leg extension machine?

The weight increments available on the leg extension machine typically range from 5 to 20 pounds.

What workout can you do to increase football speed?

leg press leg extension running and sprints

What is the Fixator for a leg extension?

A fixator for a leg extension exercise is a piece of equipment that helps stabilize and secure the leg during the movement, typically found in a leg extension machine. It is designed to isolate the quadriceps muscles by restricting movement in the hip and knee joints, allowing for more targeted muscle engagement and better form. Fixators can help enhance the effectiveness and safety of leg extension exercises by providing proper support for the legs.

What is the action of vastus intermedius?

Extension of the leg at the knee