2 percent of 15 thousand dollars is 300 dollars.
15 thousand dollars
18 percent of 15 is 2.7
15% of 120 is 18, 350% of 18 is 63.
2 percent of 15 thousand dollars is 300 dollars.
15 thousand dollars
18 percent of 15 is 2.7
15% of 18= 15% * 18= 0.15 * 18= 2.7
15% of 120 is 18, 350% of 18 is 63.
15% of 120 is 18.
0.015 is 1.5 percent, or 15 per thousand.
9000 pounds
It is: 15% of 83,000 = 12,450 dollars
15% * 18 pound = 2.70 pound.18 - 2.7 = 15.30 poundHowever if you misspelled and actually mean 15 percent of18, then the answer is 2.70 pound. ("off" means 18 minus 15% of 18)