To convert 1600 meters to kilometers, you need to divide the number of meters by 1000, since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer. Therefore, 1600 meters is equal to 1.6 kilometers.
1600m is 1.6km
use this to convert 1 mile = 1600 meters 1000 meters = 1km 708km x 1000m x 1mi 1km 1600m 708km = 442.5 mi
It ranges from 4m by 4m to 1800m by 1600m.
While 1600m is closer to a true mile, there is no specific reason why internationally the 1500m is ran instead of the 1600m. The 1500m race started in the late 1800s in Europe, most likely as a metric version of the 1 mile race the Americans were running during that time. Once the metric system became the widely accepted measurement standard throughout most of the world the 1500m was officially adopted by International competition. With a record book spanning over 100 years for the 1500m race, it is unlikely the 1600m will become an official International race. The 1600m however, is most commonly ran in Highschool track.
2.56 km + 8420 m = 22.56 km + 8.42 km = 30.98 km
there are 1000m in a km so he ran 1600m.
Remember K H D | d c m. Kilometre is three places to the left of metre. So you have to move the decimal place three times to the left. So in this case the answer is 1.6 kilometres.
Ummmm, well a mile is 1600m and a km is 1000m so it's about 1.6666 rec. i think :S hope this helps you 1.2km to a mile
1600 m = 1.6 kmTo convert from m to km, divide by 1000.
1600m is 1.6km
1600m is longer than 1,600 yards. (1600m = 1,749.78 yards).
Close to 1600m
use this to convert 1 mile = 1600 meters 1000 meters = 1km 708km x 1000m x 1mi 1km 1600m 708km = 442.5 mi
1.6km equals 1600m
a sprint that goeas on for a mile