16/17 = 0.94117647
the question is how do you change 17/16 into a fraction. think of the fraction bar as a division sign. you divide 17 by 16. you get the answer 1.062.
11 over 16 in decimal form = 0.6875 11/16: = 11 ÷ 16 = 0.6875 in decimal
16 over 11 converted to a decimal = 1.454...16/11:= 16 ÷ 11= 1.454... in decimal
7 / 16 = .4375
16/17 = 0.94117647
the question is how do you change 17/16 into a fraction. think of the fraction bar as a division sign. you divide 17 by 16. you get the answer 1.062.
It is impossible to express 8/17 as an exact decimal as it has 16 digits that recur: 8/17 = 0.47058823529411764705882352941176...
17 over 4 as a decimal = 4.25 17/4:= 17 ÷ 4= 4.25 in decimal
16 over 50 as a decimal is 0.32.
33 over 16 is 2.0625 as a decimal.
11 over 16 in decimal form = 0.6875 11/16: = 11 ÷ 16 = 0.6875 in decimal
16 over 11 converted to a decimal = 1.454...16/11:= 16 ÷ 11= 1.454... in decimal
It is: 17/1000 = 0.017 as a decimal
17/20 = 0.85 as a decimal
7 / 16 = .4375
Expressed as a decimal, 17/1000000 = 0.000017