16/49 is in its simplest form.
16/19 is in its simplest form.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, the proper fraction 13/16 cannot be reduced any further.
13/16 is the simplest form.
15/16 is in its simplest form.
16/49 is in its simplest form.
16/19 is in its simplest form.
The greatest common factor of 16 and 21 is 1. Therefore, 16/21 cannot be reduced and is already in its simplest form.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and 7 is not a factor of 16, the proper fraction 7/16 cannot be reduced any further and is in its simplest form.
11 over 16 (11/16) is already in simplest form.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, the proper fraction 13/16 cannot be reduced any further.
13/16 is the simplest form.
16/195 is in its simplest form.
15/16 is in its simplest form.
9/16 is in its simplest form
16/27 is in its simplest form.
16/25 is in its simplest form.