1786 x 956 = 1,707,416
Henry Pelham
83 years.
The roman numeral "m d cc lxxxv1" translates to 1786 in decimal notation.
1786 - 1812 = -26
2 centuries equals 200 years so 1986 minus 200= 1786
2010 - 1743 = 267
1743 was in the 18th century.
april 12th 1743
1804 - 1786 = 18
April 13, 1743 fell on a Wednesday.
1786 x 956 = 1,707,416
she was born in philadelphia on September 11 1743-1808 she was born in philadelphia on September 11 1743-1808 she was born in philadelphia on September 11 1743-1808
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
which is the day of computer invented in 1786