1861 is the 284th prime number.
Couple of hundred yards
400 was a number in 1861.
The 1851 Colt navy with serial # 112343 was produced in 1861. (98000-117999) about 1861
Florida was the 27th state. Florida's first constitution was in 1838. The years of the constitutions after the first one were, 1861, 1865, 1868, 1885, and 1968. This totals six constitutions.
There were 19 states in the Union.
The phone number of the Carter House is: 615-791-1861.
The phone number of the Museum Of The Confederacy is: 804-649-1861.
When Lincoln took office in March 1861 seven southern states had left the Union.
Kansas was admitted into the Union on January 29, 1861 becoming the 34th state to join the Union.
The phone number of the Lisbon Historical Society is: 330-424-1861.
The phone number of the Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion is: 215-438-1861.