186 is an integer, so it needs no rounding. It has no parts smaller than 0.01. To indicate the precision of the number, you can write 186.00.
No - rounded to two decimal places, 186/23 = 8.09
Not even close. 186 mm = 7.3 inches (rounded) 5 feet = 1,524 mm (rounded)
There are 30.48 centimetres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 186 centimetres is equal to 186/30.48 = 6.10 feet.
It is: 190
186 is an integer, so it needs no rounding. It has no parts smaller than 0.01. To indicate the precision of the number, you can write 186.00.
No - rounded to two decimal places, 186/23 = 8.09
Not even close. 186 mm = 7.3 inches (rounded) 5 feet = 1,524 mm (rounded)
There are 30.48 centimetres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 186 centimetres is equal to 186/30.48 = 6.10 feet.
186 = 10111010